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About us
We work collaboratively between our main surgery at Pound Road and our branch surgeries Maypole Health Centre Dr Aneja and Birmingham Heartlands Surgery. ACE Medical Partnership ACE Medical Partnership is...
Birmingham SmartCare Federation
Birmingham SmartCare Federation has one Primary Care Network (PCN) which is led by one of our Clinical Directors – Dr Andreas Melchior. What is a PCN? PCNs are groups of GP practices...
Disabled access
There is good access for the disabled to all of our consultation rooms. A designated parking bay is adjacent to the surgery entrance and the surgery has a ramp and...
Equality and Human Rights
The practice does not discriminate: Race Gender or sexual orientation Disability Age Religious group or religious beliefs Political beliefs Appearance or lifestyle.
How to find us
Druids Heath Surgery (our main practice): Druids Heath surgery has own parking facilities and an easy access to public transport located at Bells Ln for buses number 49, 35 and...
Medical education
We are a training practice and you may be offered an appointment with a GP registrar. These doctors are fully qualified and will have had experience in several hospital specialties....
Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 19th November, 2014